Hello! Do you need help with researching your family history in England or Scotland?
Are you on a quest to discover more about your family and your past? Or have you inherited someone else’s research?
Perhaps you’ve got lots of information yourself such as photographs, a partly completed family tree, family letters and other treasures and need it tidying up or a book to be created? Or a DNA result that puzzles you or lots of new DNA matches whom you would like to approach.
Or maybe you’ve come to a dead end and can’t get any further?
If so, you’re in the right place.
I can help you make sense of what you already have, be that photographs, family letters, heirlooms etc. I can suggest ways to sort and categorise your photographs and physical papers which make it easy to manage. Plus setting up folders on your computer and showing you how to use Ancestry and other online tools.
And if you are a complete beginner with nothing at all, I will advise you on how to get started and how to navigate the roads that you will be taken along.
I run family history workshops teaching you how to research your family or personalised one to one training sessions to help you with your personal records.
And if you want someone to do it for you, that’s possible too.

Research done for you

- Sorting through the existing information and photographs you already have.
- Creating an online family tree.
- Finding your English or Scottish ancestors.
- Identifying and visiting places they lived or worked and taking photographs.
- Getting past your brick walls.
- Creating a personalised family tree report and chart with significant information about individuals.
- Creating a printed and / or electronic book about you and your family history
- Getting copies of birth/marriage and death certificates (where available).
- Arranging a presentation of the search results/report/book (online or in person).
- Helping you interpret your DNA results and reach out to distant cousins.
Workshops and Visiting the UK

- Organizing visits for you and your relatives to the UK

- Workshops to teach you how to do your own research
- How to be organized
- Online workshops helping you get started and continue with your research.
- One to one training on any subject related to family history including DNA
About Emma Cox

I have traced my own family history back to royalty in the 12th century and to Huguenots in France, cloth makers and ironmongers in Somerset, farmers and furniture makers in Scotland, and to bishops, barristers, members of parliament and judges across England and the Isle of Man.
I have discovered and met new “cousins” and lots of living relatives across the world.