Solving Mysteries in your family history
I have helped lots of my clients with solving mysteries, big and small, in their family trees and I thought it may be useful to explain how I did it.…
I have helped lots of my clients with solving mysteries, big and small, in their family trees and I thought it may be useful to explain how I did it.…
Did you know that family history is the 8th most popular thing that people are doing / or would like to do during lockdown? I hope you find some of…
A one name study is research into all occurrences of a single surname and its variants. It could be focused on a geographical area (country/county/area) or the descendants of a…
RootsTech London 2019 is the first family history conference I have attended. It also coincided with Comicon so that made for an entertaining DLR ride to ExCel and in ExCel…
It is extremely useful to know of any illnesses or diseases that our ancestors lived with, which contributed to, or caused their deaths. Conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and…
Most of my family history research has gone straight back through my direct ancestors, in some cases to 6 generations without any problems. I have encountered brick walls for some…
My personal family history journey has taken me, and continues to take me, in lots of different directions. I have found and connected with several distant cousins recently and have…
Looking into some of my family history I recently discovered some 19th century records were held by my local records office. My family only have lived in Sussex for a…
My next family story post is another one of my 3x great grandfathers: John Samuel Martin de Grenier Fonblanque John was born in Brook Street, Mayfair, London in March 1787,…
When I started my family history investigations many years ago I did not realise my grandparents were distant cousins. This is my father's parents who both died some years ago.…