Please contact me if you would like me to talk to your group about genealogy. I have done talks for local networking groups, retirement homes and local interest groups. I live on the borders of Kent and Sussex in England and in person talks are generally within Kent and Sussex. Online talks using Zoom can be anywhere in the world (allowing for time zones).

Examples of the talks available include:

  • 3 steps to getting started with your family history
  • Telling family stories
  • Organising your research and findings
  • Using Ancestry to build and grow your family tree
  • Brick walls and how to break through them
  • Florence de Fonblanque – my suffragette ancestor
  • Finding your way around a local records office
  • Is this right? How to separate facts from fiction
  • Getting started with researching your Huguenot ancestors
  • Digging deeper into Huguenot ancestry
  • The meaning of surnames
Other topics available upon request.
Please see listings below the testimonials for publicly bookable talks.

Today Purley Inner Wheel Club was privileged to hear a splendid talk on genealogy by Emma Cox. Despite the problems posed by Zoom we thoroughly enjoyed an interesting and professional talk by a person who is well versed in her subject. Feb 2021

“Telling Family Stories” with Emma Cox

Emma gave us a talk, but she had also brought along heaps of family material that she had gathered in her research over the years.

Scrapbooks were most valuable, as clips and cuttings had been saved from Newspapers and other resources and all gathered in one place. The wonderful thing here was that Emma passed them around our gathering so we could look at them, which we all appreciated. Postcards, pictures and letters were also sent around the room, one postcard depicting the devil! Something none of us had ever seen was an original Marriage Licence issued by the Faculty Office. Wonderful paper and a chunky seal was still firmly attached to it.

The audience joined in her talk, giving various information throughout and at the end sharing some of their own stories with others.

We all had a great time and thank you.

Mick Henry – Chair – Sussex Family History Group – March 2022

“Genealogy and your surname” with Emma Cox

Emma was just brilliant! 

Funny, erudite, thorough and so clearly knows her stuff! She had everyone captivated at our gathering including some visitors who had attended specifically to hear her talk. 

Her talk covered genealogy history as well as practical tips/dos and don’ts for anyone wanting to do-it-themselves if they already do or fancied a go afterwards.   

She had tailored her speech to cover genealogy and names for a number of our group specifically (we had given these surnames in advance) and she was highly entertaining and interactive with us all explaining where names come from, their meaning and uniqueness in terms of numbers and regularity etc. She had further tailored her talk to cover names and how commonplace they were in Kent and also the UK, which was absolutely fascinating. We all certainly learnt something and had a lot of follow up questions. 

Approachable, warm and clearly passionate about genealogy and researching family history personally as well as professionally, I’d recommend Emma for any group talks or gatherings as well as personal investigations for your own family tree, wholeheartedly. 

Wells Belles WI – July 2022