Do you need to prove your lineage and how you are related to someone?
Perhaps it is in connection with an inheritance.
I can help you with:
Probate queries
For example, inheritance from a grandparent or distant relative.
- Research into the family relationships
- Obtaining copies of English or Welsh birth, marriage and death certificates from the GRO
- Obtaining copies of Scottish birth, marriage and death certificates from the SRO
- Scottish adoption and divorce records

If you would like to prove your Irish ancestry to obtain citizenship.
With the Irish ancestry, there is no guarantee that the records will be available as there was a large fire in the 1920s which destroyed a lot of records.
I have associates in Ireland who can assist with finding any records that do exist.

Scottish Connections
It is now possible to have a birth, death, marriage or civil partnership abroad recorded in the Book of Scottish Connections held by the Registrar General in Edinburgh and a commemorative certificate issued.
This is for commemorative purposes not for legal proof.
Please contact me for more details on any of these services.